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Writer's pictureYamuna M

Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Humans

There are few industries in the world that have changed the world as we know it. Artificial Intelligence (AI) dominates that list. AI has applications in almost all aspects of our lives. It has revolutionized how we live our lives and most of us don't even know it and it's not slowing down anytime soon! So, why has AI become so critical to us? Why do we need AI?

We've all seen Hollywood depictions of AI. Hollywood portrays AI as evil or villainous. There is always some kind of evil AI ready to take over the world. Is this our doomed future? Humans versus machines? I don't think so.

Different Types of Artificial Intelligence

Reactive machines: Reactive machines are the most basic form of artificial intelligence, these machines can react and respond to their current environment.

Example: You need to determine the best move according to a scenario built on a chess board by a computer playing chess.

Limited memory: This type of artificial intelligence has a database of commands and can store data for short periods of time to provide limited memory to take necessary actions.

Example: Self-driving cars can scan and measure the speed and direction of nearby vehicles to take the best action.

Theory of Mind: The Theory of Mind is the beginning of emotional artificial intelligence that can understand human emotions and respond accordingly. It is still under development and has various applications such as understanding the driver's emotions in autonomous cars.

Self-awareness: Self-aware artificial intelligence is similar to human intelligence in that it is aware of the actions we take and the decisions we make. This form of artificial intelligence is still in development, but is expected to be smarter than humans!

How does Artificial Intelligence (AI) work?

Building an AI system involves reverse-engineering human traits and abilities into a machine and using its computational prowess to surpass what we can do.

To understand how artificial intelligence actually works, one needs to dive deep into the various sub-domains of artificial intelligence and understand how those domains can be applied to different sectors of the industry. You can also take an artificial intelligence course that will help you gain a comprehensive understanding.

Machine Learning: ML teaches a machine how to make inferences and decisions based on past experience. It identifies patterns and analyzes past data to infer the meaning of these data points to arrive at a possible conclusion independent of human experience.

This automation saves human time for businesses to reach conclusions by evaluating data and helps them make better decisions. You can enroll in a free machine-learning course for beginners to learn the basic concepts.

Deep Learning: Deep learning is an ML technique. It teaches the machine to process inputs through layers to classify, infer and predict the outcome.

Neural Networks: Neural networks work on principles similar to human neurons. They are a series of algorithms that capture the relationship between various underlying variables and process the data in the same way that the human brain does.

Natural Language Processing: NLP is the science of reading, understanding, and interpreting language by machine. Once the machine understands what the user is trying to communicate, it responds accordingly.

Computer Vision: Computer vision algorithms attempt to understand an image by breaking it down and studying different parts of the object. It helps the machine to classify and learn from a set of images to make a better output decision based on previous observations.

Recommended To Read: Examples of NLP Systems

Cognitive Computing: Cognitive computing algorithms try to simulate the human brain by analyzing text/speech/images/objects in the same way a human does and try to give the desired output. Also, take applications for artificial intelligence courses for free.

What Are The Benefits of Artificial Intelligence?

There is no doubt that technology has improved our life. From music recommendations, map directions, and mobile banking to fraud prevention, AI and other technologies have taken over. There is a fine line between progress and destruction.

There are always two sides to a coin, and so is AI. Let's take a look at some of the benefits of Artificial Intelligence-

  • Advantages of Artificial Intelligence (AI).

  • Reduction of human errors

  • Available 24×7

  • Helps in repetitive work

  • Digital assistance

  • Fast decisions

  • A rational decision maker

  • Medical applications

  • Improves security

  • Effective communication

The Future of Artificial Intelligence

As humans, we have always been fascinated by technological changes and inventions, and right now, we live in the midst of the greatest advancements in our history. Artificial Intelligence has emerged as the next big thing in the field of technology. Organizations across the globe are coming up with the latest innovations in Applications of artificial intelligence and machine learning.

Artificial intelligence has not only impacted the future of every industry and every human being but has also served as a major driver of emerging technologies such as big data, robotics, and IoT. Considering its growth rate, it will continue to be a technology innovator for the foreseeable future. Hence, trained and certified professionals have immense opportunities to enter a lucrative career. As these technologies continue to grow, they will further impact the social setting and quality of life.

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